Home News > Which Difficulty Setting Should You Choose in Dynasty Warriors Origins?

Which Difficulty Setting Should You Choose in Dynasty Warriors Origins?

by Anthony Feb 22,2025

Dynasty Warriors: Origins offers a skillful blend of hack-and-slash combat and strategic depth. The game caters to diverse player skill levels with four difficulty settings: Historian (easy), Wayfarer (normal), Hero (hard), and Ultimate Warrior (very hard). Ultimate Warrior unlocks after completing a faction's main scenario.

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All Dynasty Warriors: Origins Difficulty Settings

Initially, players can select from Historian, Wayfarer, and Hero. While there's a trophy/achievement for completing a battle on Ultimate Warrior, completing the main campaign on any difficulty achieves the same reward.

Which Dynasty Warriors: Origins Difficulty Setting is Best?

Historian is ideal for newcomers or players prioritizing story over challenge. Wayfarer provides a balanced experience suitable for most players, even those with limited Musou/Warriors experience. Hero is recommended for series veterans, while Ultimate Warrior provides the ultimate test for experienced Musou masters, particularly for post-campaign challenges. Players can adjust difficulty between battles without affecting the narrative.

Difficulty Mode Differences in Dynasty Warriors: Origins

Historian simplifies combat, making enemy attacks easily blocked and staggering, bravery gain, and Musou Gauge filling easier. Hero increases enemy strength and aggression, tightens parry/evade windows, and removes Meat Bun drops. Bravery depletes on blocking, strategic army influence is reduced, and Skill Points/gold rewards are lessened. Ultimate Warrior intensifies Hero's challenges with even tighter timing windows and significantly reduced rewards.