首頁 News > 文明7:領導者和能力揭示


by Joseph Feb 25,2025



掌握 文明VII 需要一個強大的策略,而您選擇的領導者至關重要。本指南詳細介紹了目前在 文明VII 的所有確認領導人,概述了他們的獨特能力和議程。隨著更多信息可用,我們將更新此列表。目前有20名確認的領導人。

LeaderUnique AbilityAttributesAgenda
AminaWarrior-Queen of Zazzau: +1 Resource Capacity in Cities. +1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities. +5 Combat Strength on all Units in Plains and Desert.Economic, MilitaristicDesert of the Warrior-Queen: Medium Relationship decrease if the player has more Settlements on Plains or Desert than Amina; Small Relationship increase if the player has none.
Ashoka, World Conqueror (Founders Content Pack)Devaraja: +1 Production in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Production in Settlements not founded by you. Declaring a Formal War grants a Celebration. +10 Combat Strength against Districts for all Units during a celebration.Diplomatic, MilitaristicWithout Regret: Medium Relationship decrease with the Leader controlling the most tiles; Medium Relationship increase with the Leader controlling the fewest.
Ashoka, World RenouncerDhammaraja: +1 Food in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Food in all Settlements during a Celebration. All Buildings gain a +1 Happiness adjacency for all Improvements.Diplomatic, ExpansionistWithout Sorrow: Medium Relationship increase with the player possessing the highest Happiness yield; Medium Relationship decrease with the player possessing the lowest.
AugustusImperium Maius: +2 Production in the Capital for every Town. Can purchase Culture Buildings in Towns. +50% Gold towards purchasing Buildings in Towns.Cultural, ExpansionistRestitutor Orbis: Medium Relationship decrease per Town in other players' empires; Medium Relationship increase per City (excluding Capital) in other players' empires.
Benjamin FranklinThe First American: +1 Science per Age on Production Buildings in Cities. +50% Production towards construction Production Buildings. +1 Science per Age from active Endeavors you started or supported. Can have two Endeavors of the same type active at a time.Diplomatic, ScientificCivic Virtue: Increased Relationship gains with players sharing his Government; Decreased Relationship with players not sharing his Government.
Catherine the GreatStar of the North: +2 Culture per Age on displayed Great Works. Buildings with Great Works gain an additional slot. Cities settled in Tundra gain Science equal to 25% of their Culture per turn.Cultural, ScientificDusha: Medium Relationship decrease with the player possessing the most Great Works; Medium Relationship increase with the player possessing the fewest (requires Catherine to possess a Great Work).

Charlemagne 歐洲之父:軍事和科學建築獲得了宿舍的幸福感。進入慶祝活動時,獲得2個騎兵單元,一旦解鎖。 5 Combat Strength for Cavalry units during a Celebration.Militaristic, ScientificThe Golden Shepherd: Medium Relationship increase with the player triggering the most Celebrations (Small increase for ties); Medium Relationship decrease with the player triggering the fewest (Small decrease for ties).ConfuciusKeju: 25% Growth Rate in all Cities. 2 Science from Specialists.Expansionist, ScientificGuanxi: Medium Relationship increase for possessing the most Specialists in an empire.Friedrich, Baroque (Deluxe Content Pack) :在第一次捕獲定居點時獲得出色的工作。 Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Culture Building.Cultural, MilitaristicParisian Sensibilities: Medium Relationship increase per Wonder built in the Capital;首都的每棟建築物的小小的關係減少。弗裏德裏希,斜 柏林學院:陸軍指揮官以優異表彰( 1命令radius)開始。 Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Science Building.Militaristic, ScientificTo Arms!: Medium Relationship decrease with the empire possessing the fewest Military Units; Small Relationship increase with the empire possessing the most.Harriet TubmanCombahee Raid: 50% Influence towards initiating Espionage action.在對您宣布的所有戰爭中獲得5個戰爭支持。 Units ignore movement penalties from Vegetation.Diplomatic, MilitaristicVeracity: Medium Relationship increase per Formal War declared;中等關係減少了每次驚喜的戰爭。 15%的產量用於建造與可通航河流相鄰的城市的建築和奇觀。 文化,經濟 奇跡:如果擁有比Hatshepsut更多的奇跡,小小的關係會減少;中等關係會增加,如果擁有更少的。 50%的生產用於建造幸福建築。 20%的文化,但科學-10%。在慶祝活動期間,這些影響翻了一番。與文化和幸福建築的每個和解的關係增加。

himiko,wa 的女王,魏(Wei)的朋友:獲得獨特的努力,魏(Wei)的朋友( 25%的科學對您和一個盟友)。可以免費支持努力。每個年齡段的科學 4科學對您友好或樂於助人的每個領導者。與科學和黃金建築物的每個和解之間的關係較小。 ibn battuta 旅行的奇跡:在每個年齡段第一個時代之後獲得多個屬性點。所有單元的視線增加。獲得一個名為“貿易地圖”的獨特努力,使您可以逐漸看到其他領導者的探索區域。 (Medium increase for ties);少量關係會隨著玩家發現最少的。伊莎貝拉 七個城市的黃金城市:每次發現自然的奇跡時獲得300金(在遙遠的土地上增加一倍) 。 自然奇觀的 100%瓷磚產量, 50%的金黃金用於購買海軍單元,海軍單元的-1金養護。 <> 經濟,擴張主義者 wonderlust:較大的關係較大的自然關係下降在玩家的邊界;如果沒有任何人的關係,小小的關係就會增加。 jose rizal pambansang bayani:從敘事事件中獲得獎勵時,獲得了額外的文化和每個年齡的黃金。增加了慶祝活動和對慶祝活動的幸福。還有其他敘事事件。文化,外交 kapwa:培養最積極的努力的玩家的中等關係增長(紐帶的增長很小);玩家具有最活躍的製裁(領帶的較小降低)的中等關係減少。 lafayette 兩個世界的英雄:獲得獨特的努力,改革,贈款(贈款) an additional Social Policy slot to both participants).為政府中所席卷的每個傳統而提高戰鬥力量。定居點的文化和幸福增加(在遙遠的土地上進一步增加)。 法國宿舍的文化,較小的關係增加了,該地區最城市地區最多有建築物的建築物;最少的玩家的關係減少。 machiavelli il principe:增益 3每個年齡段的影響。當您接受外交行動提案時,每年獲得50件黃金,或者每年被拒絕時獲得100個黃金。忽略宣布正式戰爭的關係要求。您可以從城市國家征收軍事單位。

拿破侖,皇帝 恩德弗朗西斯:獲得獨特的製裁,大陸係統(減少了目標的貿易路線限製)。每個年齡段的金牌 8個領導者,您不友好或敵對。可以免費拒絕努力。 外交,經濟 tbd la Grande Armee: 1運動對於所有土地單位。擊敗敵方單位提供的文化等於其戰鬥力的50%。地球搖床:所有建築物都獲得了山脈的食物。與山脈相鄰的專家不付出幸福的維護。玩家的中等關係減少。狀態你是宗主人。 1對您的所有單位的戰鬥力量,對於您的每個城市國家/地區。如果玩家缺乏一個活躍的“朋友獨立”項目,則小小的關係會增加。< trung trac hai ba trung: 3您的第一軍指揮官 3免費晉升。您的指揮官獲得 20%的經驗。 熱帶瓷磚城市中的10%科學(在正式戰爭期間翻了一番)。軍國主義,科學 van minh:中等關係降低,球員的指揮官晉升最多(紐帶的小幅下降);中等關係的增加,玩家擁有最少的(紐帶的較小增長)。 Xerxes,King of Kings 叛亂的破碎機: 3戰鬥力的單位戰鬥力攻擊在中立或敵方領土。捕獲定居點時, 100文化和黃金。 所有定居點中的10%黃金(在未建立的定居點中翻了一番)。 1定居限製每個年齡段。經濟,軍國主義 火之王:當玩家不參加戰爭時,中等關係會減少;當玩家在戰爭中時,小小的關係就會增加。 xerxes,achaemenid(豪華內容包) 絲綢之路: 1貿易路線與所有其他領導者的限製。創建貿易路線或道路時, 50文化和每個年齡的100個黃金。 1文化和每個年齡的黃金在獨特的建築物和獨特的改進方麵。如果玩家少。
