সভ্যতা 7: নেতৃবৃন্দ এবং দক্ষতা প্রকাশিত
by Joseph
Feb 25,2025
সভ্যতা সপ্তম: সমস্ত নেতাদের জন্য একটি বিস্তৃত গাইড
মাস্টারিং সভ্যতা সপ্তম একটি শক্তিশালী কৌশল প্রয়োজন, এবং আপনার নির্বাচিত নেতা সর্বজনীন। এই গাইডের বিশদটি বর্তমানে সমস্ত সভ্যতার সপ্তম *এর নিশ্চিত নেতাদের বিশদ বিবরণ দিয়ে তাদের অনন্য ক্ষমতা এবং এজেন্ডাগুলির রূপরেখা দেয়। আরও তথ্য উপলব্ধ হওয়ার সাথে সাথে আমরা এই তালিকাটি আপডেট করব। বর্তমানে 20 টি নিশ্চিত নেতা রয়েছেন।
Leader | Unique Ability | Attributes | Agenda |
Amina | Warrior-Queen of Zazzau: +1 Resource Capacity in Cities. +1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities. +5 Combat Strength on all Units in Plains and Desert. | Economic, Militaristic | Desert of the Warrior-Queen: Medium Relationship decrease if the player has more Settlements on Plains or Desert than Amina; Small Relationship increase if the player has none. |
Ashoka, World Conqueror (Founders Content Pack) | Devaraja: +1 Production in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Production in Settlements not founded by you. Declaring a Formal War grants a Celebration. +10 Combat Strength against Districts for all Units during a celebration. | Diplomatic, Militaristic | Without Regret: Medium Relationship decrease with the Leader controlling the most tiles; Medium Relationship increase with the Leader controlling the fewest. |
Ashoka, World Renouncer | Dhammaraja: +1 Food in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Food in all Settlements during a Celebration. All Buildings gain a +1 Happiness adjacency for all Improvements. | Diplomatic, Expansionist | Without Sorrow: Medium Relationship increase with the player possessing the highest Happiness yield; Medium Relationship decrease with the player possessing the lowest. |
Augustus | Imperium Maius: +2 Production in the Capital for every Town. Can purchase Culture Buildings in Towns. +50% Gold towards purchasing Buildings in Towns. | Cultural, Expansionist | Restitutor Orbis: Medium Relationship decrease per Town in other players' empires; Medium Relationship increase per City (excluding Capital) in other players' empires. |
Benjamin Franklin | The First American: +1 Science per Age on Production Buildings in Cities. +50% Production towards construction Production Buildings. +1 Science per Age from active Endeavors you started or supported. Can have two Endeavors of the same type active at a time. | Diplomatic, Scientific | Civic Virtue: Increased Relationship gains with players sharing his Government; Decreased Relationship with players not sharing his Government. |
Catherine the Great | Star of the North: +2 Culture per Age on displayed Great Works. Buildings with Great Works gain an additional slot. Cities settled in Tundra gain Science equal to 25% of their Culture per turn. | Cultural, Scientific | Dusha: Medium Relationship decrease with the player possessing the most Great Works; Medium Relationship increase with the player possessing the fewest (requires Catherine to possess a Great Work). |
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