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  • Mistland Saga 是一款類似 劍與遠征:啟程 的新角色扮演遊戲,但具有即時戰鬥

    ​Wildlife Studios 悄然在巴西和芬蘭推出了全新動作角色扮演遊戲《Mistland Saga》。 邀請玩家在這種身臨其境的體驗中探索尼米拉的神秘境界。在此之前,發行商還推出了其他引人入勝的遊戲,例如《Planets Merge: Puzzle Games》和《Mid》。

    Dec 10,2024 1
  • Google Play 自動啟動應用程序:新功能即將推出

    ​您是否曾經發現自己下載了一個新應用程序,然後完全忘記打開它?我從來沒有。但無論如何,Google Play 商店可能已經為這個問題找到了完美的解決方案。顯然,Google Play 商店即將推出的功能將允許用戶自動啟動已安裝的應用程序

    Dec 10,2024 2
  • 最佳 Android 角色扮演遊戲 - 更新!

    ​在 Android RPG 的沉浸式世界中逃離沉悶的冬夜! 這些引人入勝的遊戲提供了漫長的冒險、豐富的環境和複雜的遊戲機製,非常適合那些漫長而黑暗的夜晚。這個精選列表展示了一些最好的 Android RPG 遊戲,為玩家提供了

    Dec 10,2024 0
  • SirKwitz:新的寓教於樂遊戲教孩子們編碼基礎知識

    ​SirKwitz 是一款新的寓教於樂遊戲,教授編碼基礎知識適合兒童,我們相信一些成年人,您將學習基本邏輯和方向等概念,現已在 Google Play 上發布!對編碼感興趣可能會讓人打瞌睡我們大多數人,但對許多人來說,這很有趣。

    Dec 10,2024 3
  • ​HoYoverse is celebrating Vyn Richter's birthday in Tears of Themis with a plethora of limited-time events and rewards. Beginning in mid-September, this popular romantic detective game will host a birthday bash for the beloved character. A Tears of Themis Birthday Celebration for Vyn Richter! Starti

    Nov 30,2024 1
  • ​Shift Up, the developer behind Stellar Blade, has hinted at a potential PC port of their acclaimed PS5 exclusive. While currently a PlayStation 5 exclusive due to their partnership with Sony, the game's impressive sales and overwhelmingly positive critical reception (an 82 average on OpenCritic ba

    Nov 30,2024 1
  • ​Flamebait Games' Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist has officially launched, and it's even better than its predecessor, Passpartout: The Starving Artist. This sequel plunges players back into the shoes of the struggling French artist, Passpartout, this time facing a crippling creative block and destitu

    Nov 30,2024 2
  • ​HoYoverse is throwing a snowy birthday bash for Luke in Tears of Themis! Expect sweet treats, wintery aesthetics, and a special limited-time event, "Like Sunlight Upon Snow," starting November 23rd. Event Highlights: Stellis City is transformed into a winter wonderland. Players can spend quality t

    Nov 30,2024 1
  • ​Sky: Children of the Light's "Days of Music" event extends until December 8th, offering players a vibrant musical experience. This update introduces the Jam Station, a portable instrument allowing players to create and share original melodies with friends. Themed activities in Aviary Village encou

    Nov 29,2024 0
  • 雅達利收購新公司

    ​Atari 的子公司 Infogrames 已從tinyBuild Inc. 收購了外科醫生模擬器的特許經營權,這標誌著 Infogrames 的復興邁出了重要一步。 Infogrames 是一個專注於 Atari 核心產品線之外的遊戲的品牌,它正在利用其 80 年代和 90 年代的遊戲開發和全球發行傳統。

    Nov 29,2024 4