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  • ​HoYoverse is celebrating Vyn Richter's birthday in Tears of Themis with a plethora of limited-time events and rewards. Beginning in mid-September, this popular romantic detective game will host a birthday bash for the beloved character. A Tears of Themis Birthday Celebration for Vyn Richter! Starti

    Nov 30,2024 1
  • ​Shift Up, the developer behind Stellar Blade, has hinted at a potential PC port of their acclaimed PS5 exclusive. While currently a PlayStation 5 exclusive due to their partnership with Sony, the game's impressive sales and overwhelmingly positive critical reception (an 82 average on OpenCritic ba

    Nov 30,2024 1
  • ​Flamebait Games' Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist has officially launched, and it's even better than its predecessor, Passpartout: The Starving Artist. This sequel plunges players back into the shoes of the struggling French artist, Passpartout, this time facing a crippling creative block and destitu

    Nov 30,2024 2
  • ​HoYoverse is throwing a snowy birthday bash for Luke in Tears of Themis! Expect sweet treats, wintery aesthetics, and a special limited-time event, "Like Sunlight Upon Snow," starting November 23rd. Event Highlights: Stellis City is transformed into a winter wonderland. Players can spend quality t

    Nov 30,2024 1
  • ​Sky: Children of the Light's "Days of Music" event extends until December 8th, offering players a vibrant musical experience. This update introduces the Jam Station, a portable instrument allowing players to create and share original melodies with friends. Themed activities in Aviary Village encou

    Nov 29,2024 0
  • 雅达利收购新公司

    ​Atari 的子公司 Infogrames 已从tinyBuild Inc. 收购了外科医生模拟器的特许经营权,这标志着 Infogrames 的复兴迈出了重要一步。 Infogrames 是一个专注于 Atari 核心产品线之外的游戏的品牌,它正在利用其 80 年代和 90 年代的游戏开发和全球发行传统。

    Nov 29,2024 4
  • 角川确认索尼收购兴趣

    ​索尼可能收购角川(FromSoftware 的母公司,也是动画和漫画巨头),引起了广泛关注。 虽然角川已正式确认收到索尼收购更多股份的意向书,但他们强调尚未做出最终决定。

    Nov 29,2024 4
  • 《驯龙高手》续集在中国首映

    ​一款新的手机游戏《驯龙高手:旅程》已经登陆,但目前仅在中国。 如果您是一位梦想着骑龙和建造维京村庄的中国粉丝,那么您的愿望就实现了! 在备受喜爱的系列游戏的诞生地伯克,踏上史诗般的冒险之旅。 构建和电子

    Nov 29,2024 2
  • 天空:光之子二重唱季节到来

    ​您准备好唱高音了吗?我问这个问题是因为那家游戏公司即将推出一个让你和你的朋友像标志性歌手一样和谐相处的赛季!天空二重奏季:光之子将于 7 月 15 日星期一拉开帷幕。渴望更多地了解这部史诗音乐

    Nov 29,2024 1
  • 《拳皇 ALLSTAR》服务结束

    ​《拳皇 ALLSTAR》将于今年年底结束服务正如 Netmarble 博客上所宣布的那样,游戏内购买已关闭该游戏预计将于 10 月 30 日结束 Beat 'em up ARPG 《拳皇 ALLSTAR》将出人意料地停止服务2024 年 10 月。公告

    Nov 29,2024 1