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Dota 2: Terrorblade Position 3 Build Guide

by Aurora Dec 30,2024

Dota 2 Terrorblade Offlane Build Guide: Dominate the Side Lanes

A few patches ago, selecting Terrorblade as an offlaner in Dota 2 was considered unconventional. Now, however, he's a popular choice, especially at high MMR. This guide explains his offlane effectiveness and provides a comprehensive build.

Dota 2 Terrorblade Overview

Terrorblade is a melee Agility hero with exceptional Agility gain. His low Strength and Intelligence are offset by high armor from his Agility, making him incredibly durable late game. His above-average movement speed aids efficient jungle farming. His innate ability, Dark Unity, boosts illusion damage. He possesses three active skills and an ultimate.

Terrorblade's Abilities: A Summary

Ability Name How it Works
Reflection Creates an invulnerable enemy illusion dealing 100% damage, slowing attack/movement.
Conjure Image Creates a controllable illusion of Terrorblade.
Metamorphosis Transforms Terrorblade, increasing attack range and damage; affects illusions.
Sunder Swaps HP with a target (can't kill, but reaches 1 HP with Condemned Facet).

Aghanim's Scepter & Shard:

  • Shard: Grants Demon Zeal, sacrificing health for regeneration, attack speed, and movement speed (melee form only).
  • Scepter: Grants Terror Wave, inflicting fear and dealing damage, activating/extending Metamorphosis.


  • Condemned: Removes the HP threshold for Sundered enemies.
  • Soul Fragment: Conjure Image illusions spawn at full health, but casting costs additional health.

Position 3 Terrorblade Build Guide

Terrorblade's effectiveness in the offlane stems from Reflection – a low-mana, low-cooldown spell creating a damaging enemy illusion. This allows for safe harassment and early kills. However, his low health pool necessitates strategic itemization.

Facets, Talents, and Ability Order

The Condemned Facet synergizes perfectly with Sunder, potentially eliminating high-health enemies with well-timed casts. Prioritize Reflection, maximizing it quickly for effective laning. Metamorphosis at level 2 adds kill potential, followed by Conjure Image at level 4. Obtain Sunder at level 6. Talent and item choices should be adjusted based on the game's progression and enemy composition. This build emphasizes early game aggression and survivability, transitioning into a late-game damage powerhouse.