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  • Marvel Snap Unleashes Social Alliance System: Alliances

    ​Marvel Snap's exciting new Alliances feature lets you team up with other players to conquer challenges! Think of it as a Marvel-themed guild system. Read on to discover everything you need to know. What are Alliances in Marvel Snap? Alliances in Marvel Snap allow you to collaborate with fellow play

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • Vampire Survivors Arrives on Apple Arcade with Exclusive DLCs

    ​Vampire Survivors+ is coming to Apple Arcade on August 1st! This ad-free version includes the Tales of the Foscari and Legacy of the Moonspell DLC, offering over 50 characters and 80 weapons. Forget blood-sucking; this "bullet heaven" game challenges you to become an unstoppable force of destructio

    Dec 30,2024 4
  • Shadowed ARPG Emerges with Approaching Test Phase

    ​Wang Yue, an upcoming fantasy ARPG, is gearing up for its technical testing phase after securing its publishing license in China. This initial test run will allow a select group of players to experience the game, identify bugs, and provide valuable feedback. A World Divided Wang Yue's testing phase

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • Unveiling Epic Minecraft Multiplayer Adventures

    ​Minecraft:最佳多人地图推荐,开启史诗级冒险! Minecraft不仅仅是一款游戏,更是一个充满无限可能的世界。如果您正在寻找刺激的多人合作地图,那么您来对了地方!本文将为您推荐一系列精彩绝伦的多人Minecraft地图,带您体验难以忘怀的冒险旅程。这些地图拥有独特的机制,涵盖生存、探险和任务等多种玩法,适合所有技能水平的玩家。 目录 SkyBlock Parkour Spiral Cube Survival Vertoak City Assassin’s Creep Funland 3 Future City Five Nights at Freddy's PAYDAY 2: EN

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • Outer Worlds 2 Progressing Smoothly Amid Busy Development Period at Obsidian Entertainment

    ​外星殖民地2开发进展顺利,黑曜石娱乐CEO分享最新消息 据黑曜石娱乐首席执行官Feargus Urquhart透露,《外星殖民地2》的开发进展顺利。虽然工作室目前主要专注于即将推出的奇幻RPG游戏《宣誓》,但Urquhart向《外星殖民地》的粉丝保证,备受期待的续作“进展非常好”。 黑曜石娱乐对即将推出的新游戏充满信心 在最近接受YouTube上Limit Break Network采访时,Urquhart表达了他对《外星殖民地2》开发团队的信心。“我对团队印象深刻,”他说。“我们有很多参与这个项目的人才——他们参与过第一部作品的开发,并且长期与我们合作。所以,我实际上对这款游戏印象深刻。”

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • Fortnite Update: Master Chief Skin Receives Major Enhancement

    ​Fortnite 迅速回应玩家不满,恢复了士官长皮肤的哑光黑风格解锁。 Epic Games 最初宣布士官长皮肤的哑光黑风格将不再可解锁,此举引发了玩家强烈反弹。但现在,他们已经改变了主意,再次开放了该风格的解锁。 虽然 Fortnite 粉丝们热切期待士官长皮肤回归,但移除哑光黑风格的决定却招致了社区的广泛批评。 在众多冬季节庆活动(例如 Winterfest)中,玩家们获得了大量新的 NPC、任务和道具。尽管今年的活动广受好评,但某些皮肤的回归却并不顺利。 Epic Games 针对士官长皮肤的情况发布了更新公告。 Fortnite 在一条新的推文中宣布了这个好消息。士官长皮肤最早于

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • Kaiju No. 8: The Game Release Date and Time

    ​ Kaiju No. 8: The Game – Launch Details The global release date for Kaiju No. 8: The Game remains unannounced. This free-to-play game (with in-app purchases) is slated for release on PC (Steam), Android, and iOS. We'll provide updates on the official release date and time as soon as they are confir

    Dec 30,2024 3
  • Guns of Glory: Lost Island Celebrates Its 7th Anniversary With A Van Helsing Crossover!

    ​Guns of Glory: Lost Island's 7th Anniversary is here, and it's a spooky celebration! To mark the occasion, the game is hosting a thrilling crossover event with Van Helsing, the legendary vampire hunter. Van Helsing Arrives on Lost Island! The "Twilight Showdown" anniversary event challenges players

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • Northgard: Battleborn Early Access Arrives for Android

    ​For fans of Norse mythology and tactical combat, Frima Studio's Northgard: Battleborn has arrived! Currently in early access on Android for US and Canadian players, this isn't just a re-skin of the original. Battleborn introduces exciting new gameplay mechanics while retaining the beloved Norse ae

    Dec 30,2024 0
  • PUBG Mobile Sets Sail with Ocean Odyssey Update

    ​Dive into PUBG Mobile's thrilling new Ocean Odyssey update! Explore the sunken Ocean Palace and treacherous Forsaken Ruins, armed with new nautical-themed weaponry. This undersea adventure pits you against the fearsome Kraken, promising an unforgettable gaming experience. Beyond the depths, Ocean

    Dec 30,2024 0