Lar News > Desert Crimson, sucessor de Black Desert Online, rejeita o acordo de exclusividade do PS5

Desert Crimson, sucessor de Black Desert Online, rejeita o acordo de exclusividade do PS5

by Riley Mar 17,2025

Desert Crimson, sucessor de Black Desert Online, rejeita o acordo de exclusividade do PS5

Pearl Abyss, the developer behind the highly anticipated action-adventure game Crimson Desert , has reportedly rejected a Sony offer to make the game a PlayStation exclusive.

O lance de exclusividade da Sony para o deserto carmesim rejeitado: Pearl Abyss Prioriza a publicação independente

Deserto carmesim : data de liberação e plataformas ainda não confirmadas

Desert Crimson, sucessor de Black Desert Online, rejeita o acordo de exclusividade do PS5

Pearl Abyss remains committed to self-publishing Crimson Desert , as stated in their recent earnings call and confirmed to Eurogamer: "In our last quarter earnings call...we revealed that we would publish Crimson Desert independently. We...appreciate our business partners...and are discussing various forms of collaboration with them."

O desenvolvedor mostrará uma construção jogável do deserto carmesim na mídia nesta semana em Paris e ao público no G-Star em novembro. They also clarified that any release date information circulating is purely speculation, stating: "We have not announced any release date yet...We look forward to showcasing a playable Crimson Desert build..."

According to a September investor meeting, Sony attempted to secure Crimson Desert as a PS5 exclusive, potentially delaying or preventing its release on Xbox. No entanto, Pearl Abyss optou por auto-publicação, acreditando que é a abordagem mais lucrativa.

While a definitive platform list and release date remain unannounced, Crimson Desert is expected to launch on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox sometime around Q2 2025.

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