Home News > World of Warcraft Players are Torn on One Patch 11.1 Shaman Feature

World of Warcraft Players are Torn on One Patch 11.1 Shaman Feature

by Caleb Mar 15,2025

World of Warcraft Players are Torn on One Patch 11.1 Shaman Feature


  • Shaman abilities like Lightning Bolt and Crash Lightning receive significant visual updates in WoW Patch 11.1.
  • While Shamans receive more visual updates than many other classes, the changes aren't universally praised by fans.
  • New skills, such as Primordial Storm for Shamans and Symbiotic Relationship for Druids, are introduced in WoW Patch 11.1.

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 brings a substantial visual refresh for Shaman abilities, notably Lightning Bolt, Crash Lightning, and several others. Although many classes receive updated ability visuals, Shamans receive a more extensive overhaul. However, the updated particle effects haven't won over all players.

Currently available on the Public Test Realm (PTR), World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, codenamed Undermined, offers players a preview of upcoming content. In addition to a new zone, instances, and various activities and rewards, the patch includes balance adjustments for all classes, including a significant Hunter class rework.

Many classes also feature new visual effects for their abilities, with Shamans receiving the most significant changes. Lightning Bolt, Crash Lightning, and Fire Nova boast complete visual overhauls. Frost Shock receives both new visual effects (VFX) and sounds when used with Ice Strike. Ghost Wolf now scales with character models and is more transparent, while the Glyph of Spirit Raptors now functions with the Flowing Spirits talent. WoW content creator Doffen's videos offer detailed side-by-side comparisons of these and other visual updates.

Visual Updates in World of Warcraft Patch 11.1

Class (Specialization)AbilityChangeDeath KnightRaise Ghoul/ApocalypseNew visual, instantaneous summonDeath Knight (Frost)Frost StrikeNew animation for WorgenDeath Knight (Unholy)DefileNew visualDeath Knight (Unholy)Army of the DamnedNew spell effects for Magus of the DeadDeath Knight (Rider of the Apocalypse)Darion Mograine's Death and DecayNew visualPriest (Discipline)EvangelismNew visualShamanGhost WolfScales with character model, more transparentShamanLightning BoltNew casting and projectile effectsShaman (Enhancement)Crash LightningNew visualShaman (Enhancement)Fire NovaNew visual on targetsShaman (Enhancement)Frost ShockNew visual and sounds when used with Ice StrikeHunterExplosive ShotFaster projectileHunter (Beastmaster)Dire BeastNew visual, now leaps at targetHunter (Marksman)IntimidationNew visual to account for no petHunter (Survival)Lunar StormNew visualWarriorEnrageNew visualWarriorSpell ReflectNew visual

However, the Shaman VFX overhaul in Patch 11.1 isn't universally acclaimed. While most appreciate the updates to Crash Lightning, Fire Nova, and other abilities, some find the Lightning Bolt animation needs improvement. Many players lament Blizzard's return to the projectile lightning ball visual from World of Warcraft Classic, preferring the instantaneous bolt effect introduced in Cataclysm.

Overall, player reception to the other visual updates in Patch 11.1 is positive. The hope is that Blizzard will eventually add new Glyphs allowing players to utilize some of the more popular original VFX, similar to the Shaman Ascendance forms added in Patch 11.0.5.

Beyond the visual updates, Patch 11.1 introduces several new skills. These include Primordial Storm for Shamans, Symbiotic Relationship for Druids, and Slicing Winds for Windwalker Monks (the first Empowered spell outside Evoker class abilities, Earthen racial abilities, or Plunderstorm). Players can anticipate experimenting with these new skills and the improved visuals of existing ones in the upcoming World of Warcraft update, expected around February 25th.