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Destiny 2 Weekly Reset: New Nightfall, Challenges, and Rewards

by Sadie Feb 10,2025

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset: December 24, 2024 - A Look at the Latest Content

Another week, another Destiny 2 reset! This week's update brings fresh challenges, activities, and rewards amidst the ongoing Dawning event and the game's current narrative surrounding player numbers. Bungie continues to address issues and improve the experience, but for now, let's dive into what's new. The Dawning event continues, and a community challenge is underway, pushing players to bake cookies for Commander Zavala (over 3 million already!).

Here's a complete breakdown of the new content for the week of December 23rd:

Quick Links

Updated December 24, 2024

Vex enemies, cybernetic war machines from Destiny 2

Weekly Nightfall and Modifiers

Nightfall Strike: The Inverted Spire

Modifiers: This week's Nightfall features a challenging array of modifiers across Advanced, Expert, Master, and Grandmaster difficulties, including Champion types, increased enemy health and resilience, and loadout restrictions. Specific modifiers vary by difficulty level. The full breakdown is available below.

  • Advanced Modifiers: Barrier and Overload Champions, Extra Shields, Solar, Void, and Arc damage, Galvanized, Overcharge, Threat: Void, Surge: Void and Arc.
  • Expert Modifiers: All Advanced Modifiers + Equipment Locked, Randomized Banes, Expert Modifiers: Extra Shields.
  • Master Modifiers: All Expert Modifiers + Haste.
  • Grandmaster Modifiers: All Master Modifiers + Chaff, Extinguish, Limited Revives, Join In Progress Disabled, Contest, Locked Loadout, Extra Champions, and Extra Shields.

Nightfall Weapon: Rake Angle (Glaive)

Episode: Revenant Challenges - Week 12

This week's Revenant challenges offer a variety of objectives across different game modes. Complete these challenges to earn valuable rewards.

  • Narrowing The Odds: Craft 5 tonics boosting specific weapon drop rates.
  • Moon Activities: Complete bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors on the Moon.
  • Popping Off: Shatter 150 combatant shields with matching elemental damage.
  • Instrumented Performance: Secure 150 final blows with Special ammo (bonus for Shotguns/Grenade Launchers or Guardian kills).
  • Momentum Crash: Defeat 50 Guardians in Momentum Control (bonus with Zone Advantage).

Exotic Mission Rotation

This week's featured Exotic Mission offers a chance to acquire powerful loot and craftable exotic weapons.

Featured Exotic Mission: Presage (Dead Man's Tale Exotic Scout Rifle)

Presage Mission

Raid and Dungeon Rotation

Bungie's rotating Raid and Dungeon system continues, providing opportunities to farm rewards from a selection of activities.

  • Featured Raids: Vault of Glass and Crota's End
  • Featured Dungeons: Grasp of Avarice and Warlord's Ruin

Raid and Dungeon Rotation

Raid Challenges

A range of Raid Challenges are available this week across various raids, offering additional rewards for those seeking a heightened challenge. Specific challenges vary per raid.

Raid Challenges

Ritual Activities: Crucible and Gambit

Earn rewards and progress through the Pathfinder system by participating in Crucible and Gambit activities.

Legacy Activities and Challenges

Several legacy activities across various locations offer rewards and progression opportunities. This includes challenges on Europa, Neomuna, the Throne World, the Moon, and the Dreaming City. Specific activities and challenges are detailed below. The Nightmare rotation is also listed.

Europa Activities Neomuna Activities Throne World Activities Moon Activities Dreaming City Activities

Dares of Eternity Rotation

This week's Dares of Eternity rotation features a sequence of enemy types, culminating in a final encounter.

  • Round 1: Taken
  • Round 2: Cabal
  • Final Round: Zydron

Dares of Eternity

Xur Details

Xur, the Agent of the Nine, offers a selection of exotic weapons and armor. His inventory changes weekly.


Trials of Osiris Map and Weekly Adept Weapon

Saint-14's Trials of Osiris provides a challenging PvP experience with valuable rewards.

Trials of Osiris (12/20):

  • Map: Endless Vale
  • Weapon: Yesterday's Question (Adept Arc Hand Cannon)